NOTE: This is not the most recent Fur Market Update from Trapping Today.
Click here for the NAFA July 2017 Auction Results and season fur market recap.
Click here for the FHA May 2017 Auction Results.
Click here for the NAFA May 2017 Auction Results.
The first major fur auction of the 2017 selling season is in the books, and things proceeded without any big surprises. Overall fur prices remain low, but we may be seeing recovery in some items.
Coyotes remain the major bright spot in the low fur market, and pale Western coyotes are bringing very good prices. They sold at 100% and averaged $56. Eastern coyotes remained around $25.
Red Fox averaged around $10-24 depending on section.
Raccoon prices remain low, with many coon pelts still unsalable, and unsold at this auction. Better Canadian coons did average over $7.00.
Beaver prices are still very low, with better Eastern beaver pelts averaging $14. This is actually quite an improvement from some of last year’s prices, and many expect beaver prices to rise over the next few months.
Mink sold around $7-10, and Otter averaged $25.
Muskrat showed an improvement, and FHA held the line on rat prices, keeping a reserve price on larger skins. As a result, only the lower end (30%) of the muskrats sold, and averaged $4.34. I think we can expect to see better muskrat prices in the next major auction.
Click here for the full auction rundown and price averages from FHA.
All fur will go higher since few are trapping ,Just setting out the season .
Good trapper trap. .Money trappers trap for money
How much would you guess a Midwestern (IL) very dark, almost black, coyote sell for? Thank you.
What where bobcats going for if you dont mind me asking
See the latest fur market report on Trapping Today for bobcat prices. Eastern cats went for around $80, while western cats were $300-500 in the last auction.
A statement above mentioned that western coyotes were valued higher than eastern coyotes. Was that for Wisconsin alone or was that for a multi-state area? Thanks for your stats.
Hi Roger,
Those numbers represent coyotes from all over North America. Coyotes from Wisconsin would likely be closer in price to what was quoted for Eastern coyotes. The Western coyote prices usually represent dogs from places like Montana, Wyoming, and Alberta, Canada. Hope this helps.
Yes , it did help. Thanks for your answer Jeremiah.
what are the prices on polar bear fur?
Haha….good point Roger! U.S. citizens can’t harvest polar bears or buy their parts (excepting Alaska Natives). I believe they can still be sold by those permitted to hunt them in Canada, primarily natives, but it is very limited.
They can harvest them, they just can’t bring the hide or any parts home.
I’m a new trapper and I need some tips on trapping a coyote and a bait to use. Any Ideas
Hang a chunk of meat above a double set leg trap and as they lunge for the meat and circle a tree they will commonly end up in a trap. If you are on open ground not timber bury some meat about six inches cover with dirt and place a double set trap on top lightly covered like a normal leg set.
try to set a pile of some kind of meat and set snares on games trails 50- 150 yards away from bait the furthest snares tend to get most yotes and close snares too bait catch lynx for me anyways
also what I do is I go trap a possum and put it in between two coyote footholds that way either way they come in after the possum they will most likely get caught. you can also use a coyote or fox lure however that is expensive compared to a possum you can get free out there in the timbers. I have had 4 coyote footholds set and caught the coyote with all 4 footholds. be sure to cut open a little slit in the possum about a square 3×3 so that the blood smell will attract the coyote.
let me know if this helped also you can go check out my youtube channel for more information there will be more trapping videos posted now that I know you want them also why you are there please smash the like and subscribe button very much appreciated thank you! (youtube is 4555 Buck Hunter)!
What’s prizes on muskrat?
how much would a black fox go for estimate