Note: This is not the latest fur market update from Trapping Today. Click here for the NAFA July fur auction results and market recap.
On the heels of this month’s North American Fur Auctions major fur sale, Fur Harvesters Auction, Inc. held their May auction with unsurprising results. For trappers constantly comparing NAFA and FHA to determine where to send their fur for the best price, at the current time it seems that both auctions command pretty much the same prices, and both reflect the true value of fur in the current market. One main difference between the two is NAFA’s superior ability to provide trappers with timely information on auction results. NAFA has a reliable live auction feed and provides daily reports on auction results. As one trapper recently remarked about the failed FHA live auction feed, “…..a teenager with a cell phone could have done a better job”.
Here are some of the auction results:
Beaver prices continue to disappoint, with averages of $8-12.
Wild Mink sold for around $12, pretty much in line with the long term average.
Otter didn’t sell.
Although NAFA held back most of their Muskrat offering in this month’s sale, FHA sold most of their rats at an average of $4.15, which isn’t spectacular, but better than many of us expected.
Marten prices were encouraging, bring an average of $71.
Fisher didn’t sell, and neither did Lynx.
Western Bobcats didn’t sell completely, but the ones that did brought some good money, averaging $504. Central cats brought $54, and Canadian cats were $76.
Raccoons averaged $5. At least they sold!
Red Fox went for $12-23
Wolf – $176
Wolverine – $245
Weasel – $3
Skunk – $5
Click here for the rest of the results.
What are some fur prices for north east Tennessee?
Hi Tim,
I don’t know the exact prices a local buyer in TN would pay, but most furs in your area would be closer to the low end of the averages at the FHA auction. Hope this helps.
How does a hunter get the furs to auction?
What area would western Michigan be considered as?