Just a few days after the North American Fur Auctions sale, Fur Harvesters held their May 2018 auction. For the most part, results were similar to the NAFA sale, which showed pretty much flat line prices similar to the entire 2018 fur selling season.
The better Eastern beaver averaged $14.31, which is poor, but an improvement from past sales. Western and 3rd Section beavers averaged around $8-9. Beaver castor continues its record high prices, with Grade 1 bringing $72/pound! Grade 2 sold for $63/lb, and Grade 3 went for $50/lb.
Most wild mink and otter did not sell.
Only 39% of the muskrats offered sold, and they averaged $3.16.
Marten didn’t seem to do nearly as well as they did at the NAFA sale, with the better Alaskan and Canadian marten averaging $62 (compared to NAFA’s near $100 average), and semi heavy marten averaging about $32. Less than half of the marten offered actually sold.
Fisher didn’t sell
Lynx averaged around $75, same as the NAFA auction.
The top bobcats brought a great average – Western cats averaged a whopping $653.50! But the averages dropped way off with very little buyer interest in the lower grade cats. Other sections of bobcats averaged $30-90.
Raccoon seem to be moving, which is encouraging. Though averages are well, at least there’s a bit of a market for coons. More than half of the offering sold, and averages ranged from more than $2 to just over $10.
Red fox averages were all across the board, ranging from $7 to $30.
Weasel averaged $3.45 and skunks went for $5.29.
Coyotes sold very well, riding the wave of high demand we’ve seen in the coyote market for the last couple of years that doesn’t seem to be slowing down. FHA hadn’t reported their coyote averages as of the time I put this out. I’ll provide an update if and when it shows up.
Im originally from Ohio and relocating to Missouri next week. I was definitely looking for the averages of the Western Coyote and the Eastern because I know both reside near my Missouri property.