Bobcats are making a comeback in New Hampshire. After their pronounced decline into the 1980’s, the state placed protections on the once-common species that had then become rare. Two decades of protection apparently helped the cat population, which seems to have made a great comeback.
In recent years, reports of bobcat sightings from all over the state seem to indicate that populations are on the rise. The University of New Hampshire, in cooperation with the New Hampshire Fish & Game Department, is working on a research study to quantify the bobcat population in the state.
Many trappers, landowners and wildlife management supporters would like to see a controlled trapping season in the state that would regulate bobcat numbers while allowing the species to thrive. This is done in most other states that have healthy bobcat populations. Some environmentalists, already fearing a bobcat hunting or trapping season, have pulled people together to sign a petition to oppose such a season, which, as of now, has not been proposed. I only have one question…….where is the petition to support NH researchers and wildlife managers to make decisions based on data? I’d gladly sign.
Here are a couple of recent stories on the bobcat study:
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