The anti-hunting, anti-trapping crowd is at it again. This time it's in Montana - a once conservative, property rights oriented state that has seen drastic changes in demographics over the past few decades. Fresh faces, liberal ideas, and city lifestyle have paved the way for animal rights initiatives in a state where such nonsense would once have been unthinkable. But here … [Read more...]
Judge Rules in Favor of Trappers in Maine Lynx Lawsuit
The Maine lynx lawsuit has finally reached a conclusion. After over a year of litigation and a six-day trial this past spring and summer, federal judge John Woodcock issued a 30 page ruling yesterday, which put an end to the current efforts of animal rights activists to ban many forms of trapping in northern Maine. Here's what you need to know: "The Court denies the … [Read more...]
Ban on Trapping Fails in Connecticut
Great news, trappers! Word has it that Connecticut's Senate Bill 994, which would have essentially outlawed trapping in Connecticut, has failed to pass the Senate Judiciary Committee. For now, the bill is dead, meaning that trapping can continue under the existing regulations administered by the Connecticut DNR. Efforts from Connecticut trappers, as well as trappers from all … [Read more...]
Activists Bring Out Their ‘Expert’ in Lynx Lawsuit
Trapping in northern Maine is under fire yet again, this time with the re-emergence of the Canada lynx lawsuit that rocked the trapping community this past fall and winter. Yesterday in Bangor, federal judge John Woodcock heard testimony in the lawsuit filed by two animal rights groups in an attempt to virtually put an end to trapping in its current form in northern … [Read more...]
Connecticut to Ban Trapping?
The state of Connecticut may be dangerously close to being added to the list of U.S. states that have outlawed the use of foothold or conibear traps in the name of animal rights. A new bill banning foot and body gripping traps, co-sponsored by state Senator Fonfara and Representative Boukus, passed by a 22-8 vote in the Environment committee and continues to move through the … [Read more...]
Trapping Is Humane
Amongst the mayhem of recent lawsuits by environmental groups to ban certain types of trapping in Maine to 'protect' Canada lynx, much discussion has ensued on message boards, blogs and various other websites. Many questions have risen about trapping, as a larger base of the uninformed public has started hearing more about this issue and wants more background. In one of those … [Read more...]
Judge Rejects Request to Stall Trapping in Lynx Habitat in Maine
Maine trappers won a small victory this week when the federal judge overseeing a lawsuit by anti-trapping groups rejected their request to restrict trapping in lynx habitat for the rest of the season. The request to cut the trapping season short in lynx habitat came after a second lynx was killed in a trap in northern Maine, prompting arguments that the state's trapping laws … [Read more...]
Second Lynx Killed in Northern Maine
Another Canada lynx has been reported killed in a trap in northern Maine this week, but this time the animal was found dead by a Maine state game warden after following tracks in the woods. This is the second lynx confirmed killed by trapping this year, further indicating that the lynx population is as abundant as it's ever been, but its prey densities are declining, causing … [Read more...]