'Tis the season for state trappers association fur auctions! Posted below are results from West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Iowa. Hopefully these results will give you an idea of what to expect when selling fur in these regions of the country. Remember that fur quality is highly variable across geographic regions and small auctions with few buyers can produce lower results … [Read more...]
FHA’s January 2014 Fur Auction Results
Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. held the first major fur sale of 2014, which will help set the stage for the fur market the rest of the season. Prices for most items were off from the 2013 highs, but compared to the low levels in the market just a few years ago, fur prices aren't looking too terrible. It's FHA's job to get the most value for their trappers and they have a … [Read more...]
NAFA’s December 2013 Fur Market Update
North American Fur Auctions has provided a couple of recent updates on the state of the wild fur market amidst a great deal of talk about a huge drop off of last year's high fur prices. Here's the latest from NAFA's Herman Jansen: Wild Fur Update December 24, 2013 Now that we have had the results of the Kopenhagen and Helsinki December auction sales, it is time to reflect … [Read more...]
NAFA February 2013 Fur Auction Results
Here's NAFA's report on their February fur auction. Record Attendance Creates Record Prices 100% CLEARANCES WITH NEW HIGHS February 22, 2013 NAFA, nor any other auction house in North America, has ever seen a buyer attendance for a fur sale such as we saw here in Toronto this week. Registration for NAFA’s 2013 winter sale was over 700 buyers, with 470 from Hong Kong/China, … [Read more...]
Wild Fur Reaches New Highs – NAFA February 2013 Fur Market Update
"I should have trapped more last fall". That's a phrase that's likely to be heard more and more over the next couple of months if wild fur prices continue their run upward. North American Fur Auctions held there first big fur sale of the year last week, and the results were excellent. Here's their initial reaction: Wild Fur Reaches New Highs! New Highs reached for Fisher, … [Read more...]
NAFA’s June 2012 Wild Fur Market Report
Here's the latest (June 2012) report from NAFA about the current state of the wild fur market following the most recent auction. Wild Fur Market Eases NAFA’s May Sale attracted the largest attendance of international buyers in recent memory, which resulted in record quantities of wild fur being sold. The wild fur sale began with an offering of approximately 20,000 Lynx Cats … [Read more...]
NAFA June 2012 Wild Fur Sale Results
Below are some highlights from North American Fur Auctions' June 2012 Wild Fur Sale. Saturday June 2nd marked NAFA's first day of its June Wild Fur Sale. According to NAFA, they have put together "one of the largest and best offerings of wild fur in recent memory". No doubt this large offering is in response to upward trending wild fur prices over the past year. The … [Read more...]
Early 2012 Fur Market Report
Two recent fur sales gave us a great indicator of what to expect for fur prices in 2012. On January 7th, Fur Harvesters Auction Inc. held its first fur sale of the year. The sale went extremely well, with high averages for most species. Click here to read the FHA auction report. Here's a recap of the prices: Fur Harvesters Auction, Inc. January 7, 2012 fur sale … [Read more...]