Many trappers continue to wonder what kind of prices raw fur will command during the 2009-10 trapping season. We're at an uncertain time in the fur market, with recent economic turmoil influencing fur sales internationally. I'm far from being an expert in the fur market, but I'll do my best to provide a short summary of the state of the market and point you to the real … [Read more...]
NAFA’s Latest Fur Market Update
North American Fur Auctions posted another wild fur market update in anticipation of their May fur sale. As expected, the auction house appears to be having a difficult time finding enough buyers to bid on all of the fur they have in storage. World events over the next month will undoubtedly influence buyer behavior at the May sale. But for now, it doesn't appear as though … [Read more...]
Montana Auction Results Pattern Poor Fur Market
The Montana Trappers Association held a fur auction last Sunday in Columbus, MT, which was well attended by trappers from throughout the state and beyond. Unlike the January auction, the building was full of fur this time around. Unfortunately for trappers, however, fur buyers were not out in full force for the auction. Only three major buyers were present, and it was … [Read more...]
NAFA Promises to Rebuild Wild Fur Market
North American Fur Auctions president Herman Jansen recently addressed wild fur producers in a special message about the state of the fur market. In his message to trappers and fur dealers, Jansen appeared fairly frustrated with the state of the market, and maybe just a bit defensive about NAFA's poor February fur auction results. Jansen did a great job explaining why fur … [Read more...]
Fur Market Update: Prices Reflect Struggling Russian Economy
The latest fur market update is as discouraging as the previous few. North American Fur Auctions completed its February sale a few days ago, which was met with very mixed results. The high volume fur items that typically drive the fur market: namely raccoon, coyote and beaver, sold at extremely low levels. Beaver commanded such selective demand (which means buyers were very … [Read more...]
Montana’s January Fur Auction Slow, but Things Should Pick Up
Local fur auction results appear to following an overall downward trend in the fur market realized in the NAFA and Fur Harvesters auctions earlier this month. The Montana Trappers Association held the first Western States Fur Auction in Columbus, MT last Sunday, and a lot of fur was difficult to sell. In fact, a lot of fur never made it to the auction. Most trappers appeared … [Read more...]
Fur Market Update: FHA January Sale Results
Results are in from the January 9, 2009 sale from Fur Harvesters Auction, Inc. Prices and sale rates were fairly low, but considering this week's NAFA sale results, the FHA auction was by no means a disaster. Since FHA offers a number of rare and unique furs from northern North America (wolverine, wolf, arctic fox, etc.), which are almost always in demand, they are probably in … [Read more...]
Maine Fur Auction Results
Below are the results of a fur auction held in York County, Maine last week. The sale was relatively small, but may give guys a bit of a clue about where fur prices are headed this season. These results and others are available on the Maine Trappers Association website. If you have any fur auction results from your area, feel free to post in the comments section … [Read more...]