In this episode of Fur Harvesters NWT, Andrew Stanley's most important piece of trapping equipment - his Yamaha Bravo snowmobile - is broken down. He needs to barter some fur pelts with a guy in town for another snowmobile. We also get to see a nice marten catch and a couple of leaning pole marten box sets. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
Trigger Options for Bodygrip / Conibear Traps (Video)
Inside Jaw Lamination on Coilspring Traps (Video)
Using Coni-Pans on Conibear / Bodygrip Traps (Video)
Click here to buy Coni-Pans. … [Read more...]
Making Trapping Lures: Ingredients for a Predator Call Lure (Video)
An Overview of the Jump Traps: Video
Skunks: The Best Investment You’ll Ever Make (DVD)
The strong odor clues you in as you approach that perfectly crafted coyote set you put in the day before. Skunk! Darn it! The black and white striped stinker comes into view and you're disappointed, but perhaps you shouldn't be. Skunks are more valuable than most trappers think, if you know what to do with them. That's where Kyle Kaatz' skunk video comes in. In … [Read more...]
Lynx Exclusion Device for Marten and Fisher Trapping – Video
This video shows an example of a Maine- legal (as of 2017) cubby to exclude lynx for Marten and Fisher trapping. … [Read more...]