It seems more and more since 1976 to date that trapping has been under fire by not just the liberal socialist Democrats but the entire government. It seems to me as a retired commercial mussel diver and commercial fishermen and yes trapper that anything a man can do to survive off the land gets shut down or regulated to death so that there’s no money in it . I realize farm raised fur hurt things also. It just seems odd that just about the time you start to make money that do something to stop it think about it.
Prices paid for wild fur isn’t covering cost make it worth trappers time. Trappers been left to seek other employment Dont make enough to live on !!!
Pat Kelley
It seems more and more since 1976 to date that trapping has been under fire by not just the liberal socialist Democrats but the entire government. It seems to me as a retired commercial mussel diver and commercial fishermen and yes trapper that anything a man can do to survive off the land gets shut down or regulated to death so that there’s no money in it . I realize farm raised fur hurt things also. It just seems odd that just about the time you start to make money that do something to stop it think about it.
Prices paid for wild fur isn’t covering cost make it worth trappers time. Trappers been left to seek other employment Dont make enough to live on !!!
Pat Kelley