Results are in from Fur Harvesters’ March 2016 fur auction, and the low numbers won’t surprise most readers who have followed the news of low fur prices this year. Beaver averaged $6-13, muskrat averaged just under $3, half of the red fox sold for around $23, and raccoons didn’t sell.
The bright spots were coyote and marten. The high quality western ‘yotes averaged $90, and even the eastern ones brought a respectable $31. Marten averages topped out at around $60 for the better quality skins. That’s not as high as many marten trappers were hoping for, but it signals a better trend than most other fur. Oil prices and the Russian economy will need to make huge improvements for wild fur to make a comeback anytime soon.
War did the Texas totes bring that is about the only thing of any value today
R furgoing to b good this year