‘Tis the season for state trappers association fur auctions! Posted below are results from West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Iowa. Hopefully these results will give you an idea of what to expect when selling fur in these regions of the country. Remember that fur quality is highly variable across geographic regions and small auctions with few buyers can produce lower results as well.
We’ll post more state auction results as they come available.
West Virginia Auction Results
The West Virginia Trappers Association held a fur auction on January 5th, 2014. Below are some highlights.
Beaver – $15.83 average, with 15 sold.
Wild Mink – $16.50 average, with 8 sold.
Otter – $61.25 average, with 2 sold.
Muskrat – $9.61 average, with 98 sold.
Raccoon – $12.07 average, with 364 sold.
Red Fox-$38.75 average, with 24 sold.
Coyote – $18.03 average, with 54 sold.
Click here to view the full WVTA January 2014 Fur Auction Results.
Ohio Fur Auction Results
The Ohio State Trappers Association a fur auction on January 11, 2014. Below are some highlights.
Beaver – $15.85 average, with 13 sold.
Wild Mink – $15.66 average, with 53 sold.
Gray Fox – $22.50 average, with 2 sold.
Muskrat – $9.08 average, with 745 sold.
Raccoon – $12.43 average, with 1371 sold.
Red Fox – $50.07 average, with 23 sold.
Coyote – $19.50 average, with 23 sold.
Possum – $3.42 average, with 83 sold.
Skunk – $12.67 average, with 3 sold.
Click here to view the full Ohio State Trappers Association January 2014 Fur Auction Results.
Indiana Fur Auction Results
The Indiana State Trappers Association held a fur auction on January 11, 2014. Below are some highlights.
Beaver – $21.90 average, with 62 sold.
Wild Mink – $15.25 average, with 60 sold.
Gray Fox – $40.00 average, with 1 sold.
Muskrat – $9.78 average, with 947 sold.
Raccoon – $13.90 average, with 1068 sold.
Red Fox – $43.98 average, with 29 sold.
Coyote – $18.21 average, with 112 sold.
Possum – $1.97 average, with 64 sold.
Skunk – $1.94 average, with 4 sold.
Click here to view the full Indiana State Trappers Association January 2014 Fur Auction Results.
Iowa Fur Auction Results
The Iowa State Trappers Association held a fur auction in January 2014. Below are some highlights.
Beaver – $17.12 average, with 67 sold.
Wild Mink – $13.72 average, with 43 sold.
Red Fox – $42.51 average, with 68 sold.
Raccoon – $14.14 average, with 2838 sold.
Badger – $17.66 average, with 9 sold.
Coyote – $31.02 average, with 105 sold.
Possum – $1.97 average, with 127 sold.
Skunk – $5.75 average, with 4 sold.
Bobcat – $96.45 average, with 71 sold.
Otter – $56.89 average, with 78 sold.
Click here to view the full Iowa State Trappers Association January 2014 Fur Auction Results.
Is there a market for Florida .
Can u sell in ohio if ur not license there
So how much gets deducted if the animals are not skinned?
You won’t have any luck selling fur in the round (unskinned) at any of the major auctions. They only take fur that has been put up. If you’re lucky, you might find a local fur buyer in your area who will buy animals unskinned, but the price will likely be quite a bit lower. As a general rule, you can probably deduct $5-10 off the price for unskinned fur, depending on the item (muskrats much less, beaver and coyotes on the higher end).