Local fur auction results appear to following an overall downward trend in the fur market realized in the NAFA and Fur Harvesters auctions earlier this month. The Montana Trappers Association held the first Western States Fur Auction in Columbus, MT last Sunday, and a lot of fur was difficult to sell. In fact, a lot of fur never made it to the auction. Most trappers appeared to be waiting things out after seeing the low prices offered in the major auctions.

Only 57 lots of fur were offered, and of these, only 46 lots sold. The rest did not meet minimums placed on the fur by sellers. Four fur buying companies were present, and three actively bid on items.
The big question at the auction was how bobcats would sell, and overall, they didn’t. The high bobcat fetched $325, the low $100, but most cats didn’t meet the seller-imposed minimums. While some cats sold, this was a far cry from last year’s auction in the same location, where cats topped at around $1,000.

One highlight of the auction was a collection of nice, well furred pale coyotes from north-central Montana, which sold at a $30 average, much higher than expected with the down coyote market. Other coyotes hit much lower averages.
Raccoons sold at very low levels, if at all. Most beavers sold low as well. Overall, the rest of the fur offered sold at very low prices, with the exception of red fox, which didn’t fare too poorly at prices upwards of $24.

Despite the market downturn and the obvious skepticism of some buyers, fur did sell, and the MTA is looking forward to the next auction. The auction is a good fundraiser for the association, and a great way for trappers to get together during the season and share stories, knowledge, and get to know each other better. The auction was well attended by MTA members and volunteers looking to help in any way possible.
The next Western States Fur Auction will be held in Columbus, Montana on March 15, 2009 at 8:00 am at the Stillwater County Fairgrounds. Receiving dates are March 13 and 14. Trappers and MTA members are anticipating a much larger quantity of fur, as well as more trappers and fur buyers attending this time around.
And as far as bobcat fur prices are concerned, some of the major cat trappers in the West are indicating that a strong market is expected to develop later this year. It probably won’t be near the highs seen last year, but a $500 bobcat doesn’t seem to be out of the question, especially for those big, heavy, well-spotted toms.
will there be a fur auction in columbus montana in jan 2010?
No, the Columbus fur auction will be held February 21st. Fur check-in will begin on the 19th.
when will be next auction in Columbus, I need to buy coyote
Does your auction still exist, and when will the next be held ?