North American Fur Auctions recently moved some higher quality raccoon furs left in inventory from last year. These were sold via private treaty to fashion houses. Prices were lower, but it’s somewhat encouraging to see some sales. Lower quality coons will likely remain very difficult to sell at any price.
We’ll know much more about the condition of the fur market with the major international auctions getting underway at the end of the month.
Raccoon Update
January 15, 2016
Just before Christmas we posted an update to inform you that we were working with our promotional department to attract leading European fashion houses to put raccoons back on the runways. As a result of this, we have now completed several sales of better section heavy Western raccoon to these fashion houses. The timing of these Private Treaty sales was important to the fashion houses to have immediate delivery which allows them to take part of the skins to get dressed and into production for the March/April/May international fashion shows. Details of these sales will be posted to your accounts next week at which time you may check online. We will be paying these out together with the proceeds of the January auction.
As mentioned in my earlier update, there is a difference between the colours and most of the prices that were indicated in my earlier update are, in fact, the prices that we have sold these skins at. The basis for a 5XL colour 2/3 Heavy Northern is $26.
This is an important first step to re-establishing raccoons as a fashion trend and hopefully China and others will then copy. However, even with this positive development, the demand for raccoons remains weak, as the Russian market continues to underperform.
Herman Jansen
Managing Director
I live in Tazewell va and I was wanting to know how I could get my furs to you
Hi Brady,
I don’t buy furs, but you can check with folks at the Virginia Trappers Association:
You can also send fur to a NAFA depot. Here’s a link for more information: