We have some pretty dedicated mink trappers in this country. Can you imagine if they had the opportunity to do it full time? Some guys would put up huge numbers of mink! In Norway, mink were introduced and became established in the wild from fur farm escapees. They have thrown wildlife populations out of balance and exhibit heavy predation on native bird species.
Some lucky Norwegian trappers get paid to pursue mink in a big way. In fact, they take their mink trapping so seriously that they even name a trapper of the year for his ability to keep their populations in check. Here’s this year’s announcement:
The Norwegian Fur Trapper Award 2018 (John S. Opdahl-prisen) is awarded Tom Aurebekk Udø for his trapping efforts on the American mink. His work has been of outmost importance to reduce the population density of this invasive carnivore species, having been a threat to the indigenous Norwegian fauna for about 90 years.
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