In this episode I'm excited to chat with Tyler Selden. Tyler and his wife Ashley were featured in the hit TV series "The Last Alaskans", which followed several families on their traplines in the Alaska bush. Tyler and I talk about what brought them to Alaska and how they got to the trapline they operate today. I also chat a little about spring beaver trapping, the fur market … [Read more...]
Spring Beaver and Jim Rearden – Podcast Episode 126
In this episode I talk about spring beaver trapping in northern Maine, then share some of the work of Alaskan outdoor writer Jim Rearden. Enjoy! Support our SponsorsKaatz Bros. LuresFur Harvesters Auction, Inc.OnXMaps (promo code 'trap') Mentioned in this episode:Jim Rearden's AlaskaShadows on the KoyukukArctic Bush PilotAlaska's Wolf ManCastner's Cutthroats … [Read more...]
Old Eagle Eye – Walter Arnold
A big part of trapping is the challenge of outsmarting individual animals, and the sometimes frustrating back-and-forth that comes from the critters who outsmart us. It makes things interesting, and often helps us become better trappers. In this story, Arnold tells of a wise red fox that did just that for a couple of years on his trapline. Old Eagle EyeFirst published in … [Read more...]
Nancy Becker, Wife of Last Alaskan Bob Harte – Podcast Episode 125
After providing a fur auction update from Fur Harvesters, I sit down with Nancy Becker, who was married to the late Bob Harte. You may have seen Bob and Nancy on the Discovery Channel show "The Last Alaskans". Bob and his family were one of the few remaining permitted to live in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Theirs is a dying way of life, but it's a special one. We take … [Read more...]
Trapping the Elusive Mink – Walter Arnold
Anyone who's been trapping long enough has had experience with some animal they just couldn't seem to catch. Whether smart or lucky, those hard to catch critters haunt our dreams and frustrate us to no end. In this article, Arnold shares two stories of mink who gave he and his brother troubles on their traplines. Trapping the Elusive MinkFirst published in … [Read more...]
Trapping Lure Ingredients and Formulas – Walter Arnold
A certain percentage of trappers, after getting their feet under them and finding success catching furbearers, inevitably try their hand at making their own lures. I’ve done this myself, and like to compare it to fly tying. There’s just something about catching an animal with a lure you’ve formulated yourself. There is a great divergence of opinions when it comes to lure … [Read more...]
Nathan from MN – Podcast Episode 124
In this episode I chat with Nathan from Minnesota, a young, ambitious trapper who's gained a great deal of experience in a short time. I also provide a fur auction update from FHA and chat about my recent and planned beaver trapping experiences. Support our Sponsors:Kaatz Bros LuresFur Harvesters Auction, Inc.OnXMaps (promo code 'trap') Mentioned in this episode:The Last … [Read more...]
Under Ice Beaver Adventures – Walter Arnold
I love under ice beaver trapping. It’s true that it’s the most labor intensive type of trapping there is, and beaver pelts are close to worthless in today’s markets. Still, there are a number of things I like about chasing beaver under the ice. There’s no competition these days, the season is long, the rules are relaxed in my area, and did I mention there’s nobody else out … [Read more...]