Trapping beaver through the ice is one of my favorite things to do. It’s also without a doubt the most labor intensive type of trapping one can participate in. The changes in population status and pelt value between Walter Arnold’s time and today are more evident with beaver than any other species. By the 1950’s, beaver were still recovering from decades of overharvest that … [Read more...]
The Elusive Bobcat with Walter Arnold
With the exception of the coyote, bobcats probably vary more from region to region of North America than any other furbearer. Trappers have long argued about bobcat characteristics such as hunting habits, whether they kill deer, where they can be most effectively trapped, and how big they get. As a general rule, bobcats in the Northeast tended to be larger and prey on deer in … [Read more...]
Missouri Fur Auction Results: February 2020
The Missouri Trappers Association held a fur auction at the Montgomery County Fairgrounds on February 22nd. Here are the results: … [Read more...]
West Virginia Fur Auction Results: March 2020
The West Virginia Trappers Association held a fur auction in Glenville on March 7th. Here are the results: … [Read more...]
Walter Arnold on Fisher Trapping
The fisher is one of the most interesting furbearers around. Somewhere between a marten and a wolverine, he’s vicious for his size, but doesn’t get big enough to pose a threat to much more than house cats, porcupines and in some cases, believe it or not, Canada lynx. Fishers do well in the young forests found in farmland reverting back to pasture and regrowth after timber … [Read more...]
From the Alaska Trapline: Part 1 – Podcast Episode 120
In this episode I start with an update on Trapping Today and the fur market, with an emphasis on the upcoming FHA auction. Then, we get into the first of three sit-downs Jim and I did at the trapline cabin in interior Alaska during my stay there. Most of the talk is around my first impressions of Alaska and trapping there after a couple days on the line. Enjoy! Support our … [Read more...]
Nevada Fur Auction Results – February/March 2020
The Nevada Trappers Association held a fur auction in Fallon on February 29th and March 1st, 2020. Here are the results: … [Read more...]
Arkansas Fur Auction Results, February 2020
The Southwestern Arkansas Fur Takers held their annual fur auction in Malvern on February 9th. Here are the results: … [Read more...]