In this episode of the Trapping Today Podcast, we talk shipping fur, upcoming trapper interviews, and a scenario in Wyoming to test our philosophical views on the ethics of trapping on public trails. Hang on and get ready for a deep dive! Support our sponsors:Kaatz Bros. LuresFur Harvesters Auction, Inc. Mentioned in this episode:FHA Pickup SchedulesVince's Youtube … [Read more...]
Outdoor Alaska: Trapping Lynx near Peak of Cycle
Great article on lynx trapping in Alaska below. Source: Outdoor Alaska: Trapping lynx near peak of cycle … [Read more...]
Above the Arctic Circle
Most of the early Alaskan pioneers moved up from the Lower 48 for seeking opportunity and adventure. The majority left when times got tough, but the best and the toughest stayed on, and helped make the frontier what it is today. Minnesota-born James Carroll was one of those guys. Carroll journeyed to Alaska in 1910, in search of opportunities made possible by the gold rush. … [Read more...]
Trapping News and Furbearer Conservation: Podcast Episode 111
In this episode I start with a quick update on the fur market and some early local auction results. I then go into recent trapping news, book reviews and articles. I discuss Jeff Traynor's article on marten and fisher at Furbearer Conservation, and go into detail on how we can use Amazon Smile to support Furbearers Unlimited. Enjoy! Support our Sponsors:Kaatz Bros. LuresFur … [Read more...]
Book Review: Sam O. White, Alaskan
So many of us dream of going to Alaska, but only a few actually take the plunge. Sam O. White was one of those early adventuring pioneers who helped shape the great northern territory before it was even a state. Born in Eustis, Maine in 1891, the young woodsman longed for adventure after fighting overseas in World War I, and found a job that would take him to wild places. … [Read more...]
New Trapper Josh from NZ: Podcast Episode 110
Josh is a new Maine trapper who hails from New Zealand. We had a great conversation about how he got started trapping and learned the ropes. We also get into the ethics of trapping, how to deal with the 'anti' crowd, representing trapping in a positive light, and how to recruit new trappers. Enjoy! Support our Sponsors:Kaatz Bros. LuresFur Harvesters Auction, Inc. … [Read more...]
Trapper Forewarns Public about Line up Cache (
A Wyoming trapper has decided to exercise his right to set traps on public land in a highly traveled recreational trail, and it's blown up in the local media. This could turn out to be quite the hot topic for trappers throughout North America. Lots of elements here. I'll be discussing my thoughts in an upcoming episode of the Trapping Today Podcast. Article below: Source: … [Read more...]
New Trapper with an Old Dream (Walter Arnold)
Getting old is nothing new. With age comes the inevitable slowing down, physical ailments, and in some cases, increased responsibilities. Walter Arnold was feeling it in the 1950's. He still got around great, but the responsibility part was grinding on him. Working on a farm to pay the bills sapped much of his time and energy, and his backwoods trapline was getting … [Read more...]