In this episode I talk under ice beaver snaring, going over set types and tactics I've learned over the past few years snaring beaver under the ice. This is part of a practice run for the demo I'll be doing at Neil Olson's New England Trappers Weekend very soon! Here's a laugh from listener Kevin: Support our sponsors:Kaatz Bros. LuresFur Harvesters Auction, … [Read more...]
Fleshing Beam Setup in the Fur Shed
A well-positioned fleshing beam can be pretty important when trying to efficiently process pelts in the fur shed. If you're like me, space always seems to be a limiting factor, and so space-saving ideas are always appreciated. Here's one from Greg, a Maine trapper who just built a beautiful fur shed that should last him a good many years. With a couple of hinges and some … [Read more...]
Under Ice Beaver – Bodygrips and Footholds: Podcast Episode 88
In this episode I talk under ice beaver trapping as sort of a practice run for the demo I'll be doing at the upcoming Neil Olson's Trappers Weekend. I go into some of the basics of under ice beaver trapping, and talk bodygrips and footholds. Stay tuned for an in-depth discussion on under ice beaver snaring in next week's episode. Support our sponsors:Kaatz Bros. LuresFur … [Read more...]
Cage Trapping: Podcast Episode 87 with Vince from WA
Cage trapping isn't the method most trappers would choose for catching fur. But in some states, where foothold traps have been banned, trappers have had to get creative and find their way with cages. In this episode, Vince from Washington state shares his experiences using cage traps to catch fur and solve animal damage control problems. I learned a lot and had a good time … [Read more...]
Iowa Flooding Brings Beavers (
Source: N'West Iowa flooding bringing beavers | News | … [Read more...]
Life on the Trapline (Walter Arnold)
Sometimes the best trapping stories are the short, simple tales of interesting catches and challenging conditions. They’re the things we talk about with other trappers when we meet up, whether at conventions, state associations, the local fur buyer, or coffee shop. Trapping tales are great, and they keep things exciting during those times when we aren’t running the line. In … [Read more...]
Crow Flats, Promoting Trapping, and Kaatz Bros. Giveaway: Podcast Episode 86
In this episode of the Trapping Today Podcast, I draw a name for the Kaatz Bros. Lures giveaway of Kellen's "Black Book of Coyote Trapping" and "Flat Set Fix" DVD. I go over all of the input from you guys and topics we'll probably cover in future episodes, and talk a bit about one particularly intriguing question from a listener about promoting trapping and revolutionizing the … [Read more...]
Back to Coyote Trapping: Equipment – Podcast Episode 85
In episode 85 of the Trapping Today Podcast, I talk about getting back into coyote trapping this fall, and the considerations going through my head around equipment to use. Be sure to email me to be entered in the drawing to win a free copy of Kellen Kaatz' Black Book of Coyote Trapping and The Flat Set Fix DVD! Thanks to our sponsors:Kaatz Bros. LuresFur Harvesters … [Read more...]