Walter Arnold had a great deal of experience with bobcats, both as a trapper and a fur buyer in Maine. The state had a bounty on the predators for many years, such that even when the pelts weren’t worth much, trappers and hunters pursued ‘cats with a great deal of effort. In this article, Arnold goes over some of this thoughts and observations around bobcats. The … [Read more...]
Trapping Podcasts, Shortliners, and a Legendary Longliner: Podcast Episode 84
In this episode of the Trapping Today Podcast, I briefly discuss the Fur Harvesters June marten and bobcat auction results, and give a shout out to other trapping podcasts that are out there. I go over some listener feedback, and then discuss Kris Pope's shortliner trapping bag. Finally, I talk about the recent Trapper's World interview with legendary long liner trapper L. … [Read more...]
Trapping News and Fabian Carey: Podcast Episode 83
In this episode of the podcast, I discuss several trapping news items, including South Dakota's nest predator bounty program, Wyoming's crazy limited-entry beaver trapping debacle, and further restrictions for Montana trappers. I then get back to the subject of Alaska trapping history, talking about Ray Tremblay's book and trapping experiences around legendary trapper Fabian … [Read more...]
The Fur Market and Fur Prices – Podcast Episode 82
In this episode of the Trapping Today Podcast, Kyle Kaatz and I talk about the current state of the fur market and the economic drivers behind fur prices. We discuss the results of the recent FHA and NAFA auctions, which effectively wrap up the 2018-2019 fur selling season, and go over specific prices individual species have been bringing over the past two years. … [Read more...]
Dangers in the Woods – Walter Arnold
Danger abounds in the woods, and when you’re miles away from help, the risks are multiplied. In this article, Walter Arnold talks of some of the close calls and tough times that he and others faced over the years. The Unexpected First published in Fur-Fish-Game October 1944 Walter Arnold Although one might roam the woods for a year without getting into any tight … [Read more...]
Trappers Take Advantage of SD Bounty Program
Check out this article on a wildlife management bounty program that's making some waves. South Dakota has made it a priority to encourage the harvest of nest predators that impact pheasant populations. With pheasant hunting a major economic driver in the state, the bounty will pay $10 per tail, up to a total payout of $500,000. In an era where most state and local … [Read more...]
Q&A From a New Trapper
In this episode, Brandon from Wisconsin picks my brain on getting started in trapping. Trapping can be pretty complex, and getting started without a lot of help can be a major ordeal. Brandon and I discuss a few questions he had about trapping, and I hope you can benefit some from our chat. We talk about lure storage, fleshing beams, fur drumming/tumbling, fur shed tools, … [Read more...]
Walter Arnold on Otter Trapping
The otter is a fascinating furbearer. Both playful and fierce, this water-dwelling, fish-eating mustelid makes long circuits through its home range, typically over the course of several weeks. Its long range movements combined with varying habits can turn otter trapping into a game of low percentages. But with enough practice, the patient and intuitive trapper can master otter … [Read more...]