When Walter Arnold talks of early snow putting a wrench in his trapping season, I can’t help but feel his pain. Here in northern Maine we can easily get dumped on with a big snow in November that remains with us until the following spring. Recently I found myself running my marten and fisher line on snowmobile in mid November. No matter where you trap, weather conditions will … [Read more...]
Ron Jones on Advanced DP Methods and Snaring – Podcast Episode 74
In this episode I'm back with Ron Jones of New Jersey, talking about advanced dog proof trapping methods and snaring particulars. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
Trapline Scent Control and Human Breath (Walter Arnold)
The way trappers think about scent has changed drastically in modern times. In Walter Arnold’s day, scent control was gaining popularity as a necessity for successful trappers. This mentality continued on through the fur boom of the 1970’s and ‘80’s, when every trapper and their mother wrote a fox trapping book, and scent control was continually stressed. From head to toe, all … [Read more...]
Lows on the Trapline (Walter Arnold)
I’m nostalgic when it comes to the outdoors. An old trapper’s cabin, log driving dam, or even a pile of rusted metal in the middle of the woods really catches my attention. With so little information about who left them there, a creative imagination can run wild. Just think about the stories that could be told. Think of the folks living in the woods back in those days, the … [Read more...]
Do Fisher Kill Lynx? – Podcast Episode 73
In this episode, I discuss the contentious issue of whether fisher kill lynx, and go over the results of a scientific study in Maine that documented fisher preying on Canada lynx at a surprisingly high rate. It's interesting stuff (and very controversial!!!) Support our sponsor, Kaatz Bros. Lures Here's a link to the study overview Want more background on impacts of … [Read more...]
Do Bobcats Kill Deer? (Walter Arnold)
Do bobcats kill deer? The topic was a contentious one among trappers across the U.S. in the 1930’s and ‘40’s, and continued to be debated on the pages of Fur-Fish-Game and other publications for many years. Western trappers argued that bobcats did not kill deer, while Eastern trappers fiercely defended their claims of witnessing evidence of ‘cats killing dear repeatedly. In … [Read more...]
Ron Jones on New Jersey Snaring and ADC Work – Podcast Episode 72
In Episode 72 of the Trapping Today Podcast, we chat with Ron Jones from ACP Wildlife Control Services and Redneck's Pride calls, baits and lures in New Jersey. Ron is an experienced trapper who uses his intellect to solve challenging situations with problem animals on a daily basis. He discusses strategies he employs to catch problem animals, and we talk snaring in New … [Read more...]
The Giant Rodents Eating Louisiana’s Coast
Source: The Giant Rodents Eating Louisiana’s Coast … [Read more...]