Note: This is an old update. Click here for the 2020-2021 fur price update and market forecast. The second major fur auction in 2019 has come and gone, and there weren't many surprises. With the exception of coyote and bobcat, fur prices for most species remain low. Here are some details: Beaver sold at 75%, with a wider spread than the recent NAFA auction. The better … [Read more...]
Sam O. White and the Early Alaska Bush Trappers
In episode 68 of the Trapping Today Podcast, we talk about the legendary Sam O. White, a Maine-born hunter and trapper who became an Alaska wildlife agent and bush pilot in the early years wildlife management in Alaska. I read a bunch of excerpts from the book and provide a little bit of personal perspective on what I took away from Sam's story. Enjoy! Click here to find a … [Read more...]
Popular Parkas Making Coyote Fur Hot
Source: Popular parkas making coyote fur hot | The Berkshire Eagle | Pittsfield Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Traffic … [Read more...]
South Dakota pheasant nest predator bounty program proposed (CapJournal)
Source: South Dakota pheasant nest predator bounty program proposed | CapJournal Bureau | … [Read more...]
Trapping in New Jersey (App.)
Source: Fur hunting in NJ: Here's what got trapped and how much it was worth … [Read more...]
Fur Auction Results, A Trapping Ventriloquist, and The Stan Project
In Episode 67 of the Trapping Today Podcast, I discuss a project close to my heart, The Stan Project, which would result in a documentary series on the life of Yukon Men's Stan Zuray. I go over the results of North American Fur Auction's March 2019 Fur Auction results and prices for wild fur, and talk about a few other topics. By the way, our friend Kris Pope at Coyote … [Read more...]
Under Ice Beaver Trapping – Jeremiah Wood
This article was previously published in the Northwoods Sporting Journal Maine winters are long and cold, so naturally you’d expect ice fishing to be a popular way for outdoorsmen to pass the long dark days until spring. That’s what I did when I moved back to Maine. Every year I put out at least one fishing cabin on proven smelt water, and spent a lot of hours sitting in the … [Read more...]
Best Bobcat Trapping Lures
Bobcats are bringing big money these days, especially for trappers in the West who catch those thick furred, clear spotted bellied cats that sometimes bring in excess of $1,000. But for any bobcat trapper, the difference between catching one and not can be a big deal. Bobcats are visual hunters, and a visual attractor placed in prime cat country will bring them in. That's when … [Read more...]