Sad but true for trappers. Trapping in California has been on the way out for a while. It’s a story of changing demographics and attitudes towards animals. Furry critters have gone from an important sustainable, renewable, natural resource, to individuals who we can’t stand to let feel pain. We’ve gone from responsible population management in a tough natural world, to the utopia of furry critters who feel no pain. That’s not reality. But demographics have sealed California’s fate. For those in the rest of the U.S., let’s not let this happen to us. Please…
Source: As anti-fur sentiment grows, California’s oldest trappers are calling it quits – Los Angeles Times
The LA Times article sums the problem up pretty good.
” “Animal rights activists are terrorist groups, mostly led by lesbians, who destroy property and burn down animal research facilities for their cause,” Catrina said. “And progressives, in their march toward communism, are trying to ban trapping. They’ll get rid of hunting too after they take over the government of the United States.”
None of them, he insisted, understood life in the wild.
“They’ve never seen the terrible things that happen in nature. They don’t know that the sound of a human baby crying drives a coyote crazy with killing instinct,” he said.