Hello, and welcome to trappingtoday.com! I decided to start this site after realizing that most trapping related information on the web is currently disseminated via message boards or forums, and I saw a lack of up-to-date information and news stories related to trapping.
I plan to create this site in a blog format, where the first thing you see as you enter the site will be the most recent blog entry/news story related to trapping.
The blog will also have an informative sidebar with blog topics to navigate through, as well as pages related to the different aspects of trapping.
I’m excited to get this site off the ground, and hope everyone enjoys and finds this an interesting and entertaining source of information. Thanks for visiting trappingtoday.com, and stay tuned for frequent updates.
lloyd brady says
I was pleasantly suprised when I stumbled across your website. the pictures of the water sets were very high quality and easy to understand. I would really like to see an article on catching coons in large numbers,or maybe explain how there habits change during trapping season. You have a great website and keep up the good work,as I will be visiting often. The only other thing I can say about it is,..ABOUT TIME! THANKS,LLOYD