Are you a trapper with a story to tell? Can you produce a good quality video? Up for a little friendly competition while sharing your knowledge with other trappers? “Ultimate American Trapper” may be the perfect opportunity for you.
Shon Butler of Buckhaven Productions is looking for trappers interested in being a part of a new trapping show to be hosted right here on This is an exciting opportunity to share the sport and tradition of trapping with other trappers and folks beyond the trapping world. You’ll be eligible to win a nice prize package, and – who knows – you might just be the next big reality TV star :-).
Stay tuned for more as the “Ultimate American Trapper” show develops. Here’s the casting call.
Attention U. S. And Canadian Trappers!!!!!
Buckhaven Productions and Longspur Game Calls are announcing a casting call for a new YouTube series to be streamed called “Ultimate American Trapper”.
Interested trappers need to send a letter introducing yourself, telling us about your trapping and filming experience. We are also going to require at least a 10 minute edited video showing us your trapping, filming, hosting and editing skills. Please tell us your story and why you should be chosen.
We will be requiring all video for the show to be filmed in an HD format, however your intro video maybe filmed on any format but must be submitted to us on a 32 gig SD card. Please tell us in your letter or video what type of equipment you are using. (For example – Nikon 3200 dslr camera and 2 GoPro hero 4) be very specific!!
Our plans are to have 8 – 12 trappers participate and notify the chosen contestants by September 1, 2016. The winner will be determined by a point scale assigned to each species as well as points awarded to each video segment for videography and content. A complete rules package will be provided to the chosen contestants. Winner will be announced to the contestants March 1, 2017. Premiere date will be during February 2017. We are planning on at LEAST 10 episodes over 20 minutes in length or longer.
Please direct questions by email or questions about the prize package to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Mail your introduction letter and edited video to :
Shon Butler
Attn: Ultimate American Trapper
218 Beechtown Rd
French Creek, WV 26218
Only those entries received before midnight August 15, 2016 will be considered.
If anyone has questions please get ahold of me, I will be glad to answer them all.
Sounds like a opportunity to let the public know ! We do a good service
We don’t torture animals as they show in anti-trapping shows . Skill’s
That have evolved over the centuries handed down . Our trade put into hours
Should command $$$$$$ handsome payments , I saw a comment saying we don’t share Exactly , we could be more highly thought of if we did !!!
Show the public who we are .
Will this be an actual thing, me and my trapping partner would have enjoyed getting into this and thought we could have shown a pretty different light on the subject, please let me know if there will be a second season or if there is any way to get into it, Thanks for your time!
sounds very interesting. How is this progressing ans where will it be aired?
I would be extremely wary of something like this, because the so-called “stars” may well be a “tool” to actually help the “Anti’s” portray trapping in a bad light.
Sorry, but I personally think this is a bad idea!
I was wary at first too, Tim. But after discussing with Shon I’m confident he will be very careful about what is aired on the show. I was also nervous about all of the trapping reality TV shows that have aired on major television networks across the country for the past few years. Surprisingly, trapping TV has been very well accepted by the general public. If we explain what we are doing, why we do it, and the benefits of trapping, I think most folks understand. The antis are out there, but they are a small vocal minority. While we need to use discretion, we can’t let the anti’s dictate everything we do.
Thanks for the comment,
Sorry Folks, but I remain skeptical. Many years ago I was a Journalist ( Reporter ) for a major newspaper………there is no such thing as “off the record” and/or “don’t worry, we won’t publish that….”.
Once something damaging appears on the media it is too late to say “I’m sorry” and/or call it back!
I appreciate the open discussion. We as trappers live with our head in the sand afraid to share our passion. I personally gaurantee you that NOTHING will be used or shown on this program that will damage trapping. I am in fact wanting this to attract those that are just wanting to start. Thanks for the comments! We are all in it together!
I agree, the reason we are in the “politically correct” atmosphere we are in now is that we stopped standing up for our beliefs and rights.
We have had our image become more accepted. I will watch it!
Hi my name is Et for know I don’t want to disclose my name at this time but I am 21 one I’m a very heavy trapper I’m going to be putting some vidoes on YouTube because I have seen some inexperienced people do it but I have seen a lot more good than I have bad so I would like to try for the casting but all i have is my cell phone so I’ll try my best with that but I have trapped for five years now and would love to give it a go
I’ve had many old timers teach me their little tricks and back wood ways most of my teachers have passed away in the last few years and my last teacher I made a promise to try to get as many new generations to learn the older style of trapping
Good to hear that another trappers tv program may come to fruition.
I tell you I really enjoy watching the N.W.fur trappers show we in Canada here have aired and I watch it religiously.
I’ve grown up around watching and learning from the older generation of trappers and finally this year “2016” despite the downfall in fur prices I decided to finally take it upon myself now that our sons 6 years old and grew up only knowing his dad and mom hunting and fishing and trapping to not let the art die with the older generation and am now as of this year teaching my son so hopefully he too can pass on knowledge and learn to love the art and feel the freedoms and health trapping provides.
To those reading, it’s NOT about the kill it’s many things… to name a few, disease control, population control, damage control for instance beavers can do a lot of damage, I’m on acreage and know all about them as beavers here take down many of my trees and flooded some land which also can and does provide great habitat for our moose here which is why it’s a double edged sword and not all about killing.
But any who I really was only gonna write and say hope those interested not be worried or scared about what the anti’s think or try and do, as us trappers provide a valuable resource to our lands and animals that live along side us.
Please pass on any and all knowledge you’ve acquired to our younger generation as its our gift given to us from our older generation to do so with, and our children should too be shown what it’s like to enjoy a healthy lifestyle trapping and hunting provides.
How are you doing fellow trapper in Canada , I knew a Provincial Warden for up your way . He also ran large trap-line the year Rodger was here at out door show , In Toledo Ohio he said he had to take 4 wolves from the area he was trapping . And they are hard to catch he replied . We down here catch muskrat raccoon fox mink coyotes . for the most part . Our muskrats command high prices very large . Mink also very large males
Happy trapping season to you Prices will go up