In this episode, I give a recap of the bobcat interview, discuss the recent NAFA auction and fur prices, review two beaver tapping books, and discuss an old interview of the legendary Fuller Laugeman of Montana. I also thank several listeners for tuning in, providing feedback and supporting the podcast. I appreciate it guys! … [Read more...]
Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple – Kyle Kaatz
Last time I had a challenging open water beaver problem to solve, I pulled Kyle Kaatz' "Open Water Beaver Trapping Made Simple" off the shelf for some ideas. Kyle has taken beaver in a variety of open water situations, and his book is loaded with pictures showing set examples and beaver catches. After an overview of beaver population dynamics, harvest management, and the … [Read more...]
The Beaver Trapper’s Bible – Guy Johnson
At 37 pages, I'm not sure I'd call Guy Johnson's "Beaver Trapper's Bible" a bible, or any sort of reference book, but the 1979 book does provide some useful tips for beaver trappers. Johnson wrote the book at the height of the fur boom, when a guy could make a good living trapping. He was in his prime and running hard. The concepts Johnson covered in this book are very … [Read more...]
Herb Lenon Classic Trapping Video
From 1937 to 1940, legendary trapper and instructor Herbert Lenon put together a series of trapping videos that were the first of their kind. We're talking serious, old school, silent films on trapping. Herb was a true innovator in the trapping industry and put a lot of work into getting trapping information out on video. This DVD captures the original footage from Herb's … [Read more...]
A Review of Trap Drags
Drags are a great way to anchor traps for a number of reasons. Basically, instead of keeping a trap anchored where it's set, a drag is designed to get hung up on brush, trees, and other objects while the caught animal leaves the set and heads for cover. It's a great way to conceal your catch from other trappers, while allowing caught furbearers to get under cover and lower … [Read more...]
Water Trapping with John Chagnon: Beaver, Otter, Mink, Muskrat & ‘Coon
Water Trapping with John Chagnon – Beaver, Otter, Mink, Muskrat & ‘Coon 2013, PCS Outdoors 1 hr 45 minutes If you’re looking for a break from the big time, hard charging competitive world of professional trapping, and just want to have some fun watching a water trapping video, John Chagnon’s Water Trapping DVD is for you. In a little under 2 hours, John takes you … [Read more...]
The Black Book of Coyote Trapping – Kellen Kaatz
A lot has changed in the coyote trapping world over the past few decades. New trap designs, staking methods and setting techniques have made leaps and bounds with the innovative tools and technology we have available today. Kellen Kaatz is a modern coyote trapper, and his new book, “The Black Book of Coyote Trapping” is the go-to resource for coyote trappers looking to … [Read more...]
Clint Locklear’s Lure and Bait Making DVD
Lure and Bait Making: Tips, Tricks and Methods Clint Locklear is an accomplished trapper and experienced lure maker with years of lure testing and high volume sales to back up his line of trapping lures and baits. In this DVD, Clint shares some methods, tips and ideas for folks getting started in making their own trapping lures and baits. This is a 3 hour, two disc DVD … [Read more...]